Maksim A. Artem’ev, PhD in Psychology, Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russia.
The article examines the perception of Leo Tolstoy as a moral authority in the poetry of Gustav Fröding (Sweden) and Giovanni Pascoli (Italy) at the turn of the 19 th – 20 th centuries. Leading national poets responded to the religious and moral preaching of the Russian writer either during his lifetime or immediately after his death. Each of them created a poetic text in which a deeply personal attitude towards Tolstoy was expressed. The article reveals the difference in approaches of the Swedish and Italian poets, who belong to the same generation, but differ in their worldview. It is shown how poets interpreted Tolstoy’s teachings in their own way. The aim of the article is to present the specifics and breadth of Tolstoy’s influence on the contemporary social and literary life of these countries.
Tolstoyanism; fin de siècle; Swedish literature; Italian literature; neo-romanticism.
Artem’ev, M.A. “Leo Tolstoy in the Poetry of Gustav Fröding and Giovanni Pascoli”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 3(65), 2024, pp. 202–216. (In Russ.)
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