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ISSN 2073-5561 (Print)
ISSN 2949-3897 (Online)
Editorial Department
Publication Ethics
For Authors
Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal
On the Centenary of Franz Kafka’s Death (2(64) /2024)
Mikhail M. Bakhtin’s Book “Problems of Dostoyevsky’s Poetics”: To the 60th Anniversary of the Publication (1(63) /2024)
Continuity and Innovation in Literature (From the Papers of the International Scientific Conference “Tradition in Literature and Art of XX th – XXI st centuries”, 6–7 June 2023, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (4(62) /2023)
To the 150 th Anniversary of Mikhail M. Prishvin (3(61) /2023)
To the 240 th Anniversary of Vasilii A. Zhukovsky (2(60) /2023)
Mikhail Bakhtin: Approaches to Biography (From the Materials of the International Seminar, Saransk, September, 22–24, 2022) (1(59) /2023)
To the 450th Anniversary of John Donne (4(58) /2022)
To the 130th Anniversary of Marina I. Tsvetaeva (3(57) /2022)
To the 400th Anniversary of Molière (2(56) /2022)
Slavophiles and Westernizers (1(55) /2022)
Mikhail Bakhtin’s Ideas and Challenges of the XXI Century (4(54) /2021)
To the 200th Anniversary of Gustave Flaubert (3(53) /2021)
To the 200th Anniversary of Nikolay A. Nekrasov (2(52) /2021)
To the 200th Anniversary of Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky (1(51) /2021)
To the 130th anniversary of Boris L. Pasternak (4(50) /2020)
To the 200th anniversary of А.А. Fet (3(49) /2020)
To the 170th anniversary of Guy de Maupassant (2(48) /2020)
To the 150th anniversary of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1(47) /2020)
To the 250th anniversary of Ivan Andreevich Krylov (46/2019)
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of death of V.V. Rozanov (45/2019)
To the 200th anniversary of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (44/2018)
To the 100-th anniversary of Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (43/2018)
To the 200-th anniversary of Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (42 /2017)
1917 – CENTENNIUM – 2017 (41/2017)
To the 250-th anniversary of N.M. Karamzin (40/2017)
To commemorate 200-th anniversary of death of G.R. Derzavin (39 /2016)
(38 /2015)
(37 /2015)
(36 /2015)
(35 /2014)
(34 /2014)
(33 /2013)
(32 /2013)
(31 /2012)