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of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Chekalov K.A.

Kirill A. Chekalov, DSc in Philology, Heard of the Department of Classical Western Literature and Comparative Literary Studies, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069, Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: E-mail:


Maurice Leblanc, Gustave Flaubert’s countryman, author of the famous series of novels and short stories about adventures of “gentlemanburglar” Arsène Lupin, from his youth had an interest in works of the author of "Madame Bovary". The interest was shared by his sister Georgette Leblanc, a singer, actress and writer. This essay critically examins the early prose of Maurice Leblanc, its connections with the traditions of Flaubert and with typical for “fin de siècle” erotic prose of decadence. A special attention is paid to the novel "A woman" and its parallels and allusions to "Madame Bovary". This essay shows the peculiarities of Leblanc’s description of Roune (against the background of a nagative perception of the city by Flaubert).


novel; short story; detective story; review; mass literature; prose; Rouen; adultery; marriage.





For citation

Chekalov, K.A. “Maurice Leblanc – ‘Grandson of Flaubert’”? Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 3(53), 2021, pp. 84–99. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2021.53.05

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2021.53.05


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2. Flober, Gyustav. Gospozha Bovari [Madame Bovary], trans. by N. Lyubimov. Flober, Gyustav. Sobranie sochinenii [Collected Works] : in 3 vols, vol. 1, Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literature Publ., 1983, pp. 29–332. (In Russ.)
3. Chekalov, K.A. “Po povodu karnavala: Nitstsa ‘Prekrasnoi Ehpokhi’ glazami frantsuzskikh i russkikh pisatelei” [“About the carnival. Nice of the Belle Époque seen by French and Russian writers”]. Kul'turologicheskii zhurnal, no. 2(16),
2014. Available at: epohi-glazami-frantsuzskih-i-russkih-pisateley (accessed: 10.05.2021). (In Russ.)
4. Alonso, Ana. “Des couples sans gloire. Une approche de la description des émotions dans les nouvelles de Maurice Leblanc”. Études romanes de Brno, no. 37, 2016, pp. 113–126. (In French)
5. Alonso, Ana. “La dynamique spatiale de l’adultère dans le roman. Une Femme de Maurice Leblanc”. Metáforas de la luz / Métaphores de la lumière. Almeria, Edual, 2017, pp. 158–168. (In French)
6. Benhamou, Noelle. “Maurice Leblanc conteur et romancier: disciple de Maupassant?”. Le Rocambole, no. 61, 2012, pp. 13–38. (In French)
7. Bloy, Léon. Le mendiant ingrat. Mon journal. Paris, Mercure de France, 1956, 430 р. (In French)
8. Buard, Jean-Luc. «Un formidable récit de suspense». In: Leblanc, Maurice Les Yeux purs, pp. 79–88. Available at: qCTHDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA5&hl=fr&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=
false (accessed: 10.05.2021). (In French)
9. Dérouard, Jacques. Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin malgré lui. Paris, Séguier, 1989, 611 p. (In French)
10. Leblanc, Georgette. Un pélérinage au pays de Madame Bovary. Paris, Sansot, 1913, 106 p. (In French)
11. Leblanc, Maurice. Une femme. Available at: (In French)
12. Lechat, Hervé. «M. Leblanc saisi par la débauche». Le Rocambole, no. 61, 2012 , pp. 39–50. (In French)
13. Mélanges René Lepelley: recueil d’études en hommage au professeur René Lepelley, rassemblées et éditées par C. Bougy, P. Boissel et B. Garnier. Caen, Musée de Normandie, 1995, 598 p. (In French)
14. Raoult, Marie-Gersande. Perversion et subversion dans les romans de Rachilde et de Jean Lorrain (1884–1906) : Une esthétique de la décadence, vol. 1. Limoges, 2011, 581 p. (In French)

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