Dmitrii A. Chugunov, DSc in Philology, Professor of the Department of History and Typology of Russian and Foreign Literature, Voronezh State University, Universitetskaya Square, 1, 394018, Voronezh, Russia. ORCID ID:
A common place in literary criticism has become an indication of the inclusion of William Golding’s novel-parable Lord of the Flies (1954) in the long-standing literary tradition of “robinsonade”. The novel Coral Island (1857) by Robert Ballantyne is unanimously called as its literary predecessor. Such a judgment is based on a biographical fact – the expressed desire of Golding to write Coral Island “on the contrary”, as well as on the coincidence of the names of the main characters – Ralph and Jack. In addition, the work of Ballantyne is mentioned twice in Lord of the Flies. However, a similar judgment about the novel by Golding is superficial, and the establishment of a genetic link between the works is erroneous. A comparative analysis shows the great closeness of Lord of the Flies to another famous novel of the 19 th century, which came from the pen of Jules Verne. It was Two years of vacation by Verne (1888) that formed the basis of Lord of the Flies both in the field of artistic and ideological design, and in defining the conflict, in building a system of characters, in saturating the plot with completely de- finite motives. It is significant that Golding considered his debut novel too amateurish, and the juxtaposition of Lord of the Flies with the novel by Verne reveals the reason for this discontent.
William Golding; Jules Verne; “Lord of the Flies”; “Two years of vacation”; literary connections; the tradition of “robinsonade”.
Chugunov, D.A. “William Golding and Robert Ballantyne: about One Well-established Mistake”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 4(66), 2024, pp. 187–202. (In Russ.)
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