Victor A. Finogenov, Junior Researcher of the Department of Literary Studies, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nakhimovskii Prospekt, 51/21, 117418, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
The article deals with the creation and reception of the “Die deutschen Kleinstädter”, one of the most famous plays by German writer August von Kotzebue. Borrowing the idea from the contemporary French comedy, Kotzebue rethought the traditional comical theme of the provincial petite bourgeoisie, making it part of the polemic with the romantic school writers. The play was well known not only in Germany and France, but also in Russia. Nikolai Gogol in his play “The Government Inspector” likely borrowed a number of plot motifs and characters from the German playwright.
August von Kotzebue; comedy; satire; petite bourgeoisie; Nikolai Gogol.
Finogenov, V.A. “The fate of the plot in a double translation (Reception of ‘Die deutschen Kleinstädter’ by A. von Kotzebue)”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 2(60), 2023, pp. 190–206. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2023.60.11
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