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of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Nikolaeva E.G.

Evgeniya G. Nikolaeva, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Linguistics, Moscow State Institute of Culture, Bibliotechnaya Street, 7, 141406, Khimki, Moscow Region, Russia.


The story “Cold Autumn” by Ivan A. Bunin, part of the “Dark Alleys” cycle, is considered in the article in two closely interrelated aspects – from the point of view of the Afanasii A. Fet’s component and from the point of view of the interaction of poetry and prose within the prose text. The analysis reveals at different levels the interdependence and interaction of Bunin’s text and Fet’s poem “What a cold autumn…”, quoted in the story, and reveals the deep similarity of this prose narrative with the lyrics. Bunin did not recognize the division of fiction into poetry and prose, arguing that the poetic element is spontaneously inherent in both poetic and prose works of fine literature, and he widely used techniques characteristic of poetry in his prose: through images, flowing motifs, repetitions. Fet’s name and poems are a tuning fork by which Bunin tunes the “Russian” component of his story. Bunin needs Fet as an ideal embodiment of the poetry of noble nests, as a spiritual and emotional support in a disintegrating world. And Fet’s poetry, coming into contact with Bunin’s prose, acquires new meanings. At the same time, Bunin immerses Fet’s lyrical world in a different time context, the context of “not the calendar, but the real twentieth century”.


van A. Bunin; Afanasii A. Fet; poetry; prose; quotation; interdependence; interaction.





For citation

Nikolaeva, E.G. “Afanasii A. Fet’s Text and Context in the Story by Ivan A. Bunin ‘Cold Autumn’”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 4(66), 2024, pp. 102–118. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2024.66.06


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