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of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Osovskii O.E.

Oleg E. Osovskii, DSc in Philology, Professor, Pricipal Researcher, M.E. Evsevyev Mordovia State Pedagogical University, Studencheskaya Street, 11A, 430007, Saransk, Russia. E-mail:


One of the episodes in the history of Russian reception of M.M. Bakhtin’s personality and ideas is presented and the concept of “reception backstage” is introduced as a form of implicit reception, i.e. not intended for public presentation of the evaluation of the scholar’s works. At the center of there is the article is the figure of M.A. Lifshits, a famous Soviet philosopher who reacted extremely polemically to the appearance of Bakhtin’s books on Dostoevsky and Rabelais. His position was articulated in his notebooks, as well as in letters to the Czech translator and critic V. Dostal. A number of documents from M.M. Bakhtin’s personal archive are introduced for the first time.


М.M. Bakhtin; M.A. Lifshits; reception of ideas; orthodox Marxism; personal archives; epistolary; books on Dostoevsky and Rabelais.





For citation

Osovskii, O.E. “From the Receptive Backstage: M.A. Lifshits on M.M. Bakhtin’s Works in the 1960s – early 1980s”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 1(63), 2024, pp. 65–88. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2024.63.04

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2024.63.04


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13. Lifshits, M.A. Dialog s Ehval’dom Il’enkovym: (Problema ideal’nogo) [Dialogue with Ewald Ilyenkov: (The Problem of the Ideal)]. Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya Publ., 2003, 360 p. (In Russ.)
14. Lifshits, M.A. Pis’ma V. Dostalu, V. Arslanovu, M. Mikhailovu [Letters to V. Dostal, V. Arslanov, and M. Mikhailov]. 1959–1983. Moscow, Grundrisse Publ., 2011, 294 p. (In Russ.)
15. Lifshits, M.A. Pochemu ya ne modernist?: filosofiya, ehstetika, khudozhestvennaya kritika: sbornik [Why I Am Not a Modernist: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art Criticism: A Collection]. Moscow, Iskusstvo-XXI vek Publ., 2009, 614 p. (In Russ.)
16. Lifshits, M.A. Problema Dostoevskogo (Razgovor s chertom) [Dostoevsky’s Problem (Conversation with the Devil)]. Moscow, Akademicheskii Proekt Publ., 2013, 267 p. (In Russ.)
17. Lifshits, M.A. Sobranie sochinenii [Collected Works]: in 3 vols. Moscow, Izobrazitel’noe Iskusstvo Publ., 1984–1988. (In Russ.)
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20. Osovskii, O.E. “Filolog ili filosof? Intellektual’noe ‘strannichestvo’ M.M. Bakhtina: vzglyad iz 1990-kh” [“Philologist or philosopher? M.M. Bakhtin’s Intellectual ‘Wanderings’: A View from the 1990s”]. Russkaya literatura, no. 1, 2018, pp. 250–251. (In Russ.)
21. Osovskii, O.E., Dubrovskaya, S.A. “Bakhtin, Fedin, Shklovskii. Dva maloizvestnykh ehpizoda iz biografii Mikhaila Bakhtina” [“Bakhtin, Fedin, Shklovsky. Two Little-Known Episodes from the Biography of Mikhail Bakhtin”]. Voprosy literatury, no. 1, 2021, pp. 191–216. (In Russ.)
22. Osovskii, O., Dubrovskaya, S. “‘I do utra rydaet s Dostoevskim…’: spetsifika pisatel’skoi retseptsii lichnosti i idei M.M. Bakhtina” [“‘And weeps with Dostoevsky until morning…’: Specifics of the Writers’ reception of M. Bakhtin’s Personality and Ideas”]. Philology and Culture, no. 3, 2023, pp. 145–150. (In Russ.)
23. Osovskii, O.E., Dubrovskaya, S.A. “Otzyv G.M. Fridlendera o rukopisi M.M. Bakhtina ‘K voprosam metodologii ehstetiki slovesno-khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva’” [“G.M. Fredlender’s Review on M.M. Bakhtin’s ‘To the Issues of the Methodology of the Aesthetics of Verbal-artistic Creativity”]. Studia Litterarum, iss. 7, vol. 4, 2022, pp. 316–335. (In Russ.)
24. Osovskii, O.E., Dubrovskaya, S.A., Maslova, E.G. “‘S radost’u dayu svoe avtorskoe soglasie…’: M.M. Bakhtin i strukturalisty v intellektualnom prostranstve 1960-kh – nachala 1970-kh gg.” [“‘I gladly give my author’s consent…’: M.M. Bakhtin and the Structuralists in the Intellectual Space of the 1960s and Early 1970s”]. Voprosy Filosofii, no. 6, 2023, pp. 138–151. (In Russ.)
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