Aleksandr N. Nikolyukin, Doctor of Science in Philology, Director of Research, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nakhimovsky Prospekt 51/21, 117997, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ; Maria V. Tolmacheva, Journalist, Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
The article deals with the key moments from the Moscow university’s first hundred years as they are described by Stepan P. Shevyrev in his book “The History of the Imperial Moscow University… 1755–1855”. Stepan P. Shevyrev (1806–1864) – Russian literary critic who worked in Moscow university in 1834–1855 years, just till its centenary anniversary. The history begins from the events that led in 1755 to the signing of the “Project on the establishment of the Moscow university” by the Empress Elizabeth and lasts till the epoch of Nicholas I. Shevyrev tells about the formation and change of the university’s structures, about professors and students, about the emergence of a gymnasium and a printing house at the university. No matter what we are talking about, he gives a lot of details everywhere. Behind these details, however, the main thing is not lost – Shevyrev’s clear moral position: imperial power is considered to be decisive in the organization and entire subsequent life of the university.
foundation of Moscow University; celebration of the opening of University; first faculties; curators and directors of the University; requirements for students; university gymnasium; university typography; Empress Elizabeth; Emperor Nicholas I; I.I. Shuvalov; M.V. Lomonosov.
Nikolyukin, A.N., Tolmacheva, M.V. “S.P. Shevyrev about Moscow University”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 4(62), 2023, pp. 117–125. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2023.62.07
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