Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Nikolaev N.I.

Nikolai I. Nikolaev, Principal Librarian of the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts of M. Gorky Scientific Library, Saint Petersburg State University, University Embankment, 7/9, 119034, St Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:


The discussion of L.V. Pumpyanskii’s report on the theoretical inconsistency of Marxism in October 1924 detected at the same time the possibility of applying the sociological method in aesthetics, as M.M. Bakhtin’s remark shows. In his writings of the sociological period M.M. Bakhtin continued the analysis of the aesthetical problems posed in his early essay of the 1924, for example, the problem of interaction of the “author”, “hero” and "listener” in the artistic text. The specific thematic complexes originating from the essay of the 1924 form the unity of M.M. Bakhtin’s works of the 1920th, published both under his name and the names of his friends.


Marxism; sociological method; aesthetics; external and inner speech.





For citation

Nikolaev, N.I. “M.M. Bakhtin in 1910–1920 s: The Unity of the Path”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 4(54), 2021, pp. 45–59. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2021.54.03

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2021.54.02


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