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of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Peshkov I.V.


The article deals with the early stages of the Bakhtin circle’s history: Petrograd (1915–1918), Nevel’ (1918–1920) and Vitebsk (1920–1924). Much attention is paid to the controversial issue of Bakhtin’s early acquaintance with Zalessky. The concept of the core of the circle is introduced: Pumpyansky – Bakhtin – Voloshinov. This core existed both in the early and late stages from the mid-10 s to the end of the twenties of the last century. Voloshinov is a principal link between these early stages of the Bakhtin circle and the main (and final) Leningrad stage. Pavel Medvedev, who played a significant (organizing) role in Leningrad (1924–1930), appeared in the circle only in the middle of the Vitebsk period (1921–1922).


M.M. Bakhtin; V.N. Voloshinov; P.N. Medvedev; B.V. Zalessky; author’s mask.

For citation

Peshkov, I.V. “Bakhtin question. The Fourth Article: Bakhtin Circle: Acute Angles. Part 1 (Petrograd – Nevel’ – Vitebsk)”, Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 4(58), 2022, pp. 133–156. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2022.58.07


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