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The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal


Sergei A. Shul’ts, DSc in Philology, Independent Researcher, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. ORCID ID:


What Kafka only foresaw in his tragic grotesque, Akhmatova could contemplate in immediate reality. Akhmatova’s tragic grotesque is less obvious, but in many of her texts (primarily in “Poem without a Hero,” “Northern Elegies,” “Enuma Elish”) it cannot be ignored. From Kafka’s side the subject of criticism was not only the socio-political foundations of the state and society, but also interpersonal communication. Kafka anticipated the widespread phenomenon of “absurdism,” which he portrayed through the tuning fork of the author’s participation in each character. Akhmatova viewed Kafka primarily through an existential / existentialist prism, including attention to the category of guilt and the institution of court. Despite the anthropological catastrophe of the epoch, Akhmatova – like Kafka – retains faith in man: namely in man, but to a lesser extent in the external world around him.


Kafka; Akhmatova; absurdism; category of guilt; artistic anthropology.





For citation

Shul’ts, S.A. “F. Kafka’s ‘Absurdism’ in the Artistic Consciousness of A.A. Аkhmatova”. Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 2(64), 2024, pp. 43–69. (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.31249/litzhur/2024.64.03


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