Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Journal of Literary History and Theory
Peer-reviewed Academic Journal

Ivan Krylov and Jean de La Fontaine: dynamics of reception

Trakhtenberg L.A.


The paper presents a comparative analysis of Ivan Krylov’s fables and their source-texts by Jean de La Fontaine. The reception of La Fontaine’s oeuvre by Krylov is viewed in two aspects: structural and historical. It is shown how Krylov transforms La Fontaine’s plots and how Krylov’s approach to La Fontaine’s heritage changes with time. These changes are interpreted in connection with the establishment of Krylov’s reputation as a fabulist in the context of Russian literary history.


Ivan Krylov; Jean de La Fontaine; fable; poetics; comparative literature; Russian-French literary connections.

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